Manasa(मनसा) Mandibhav today | Mandi bhav in Manasa(मनसा)

Discover the latest Mandibhav (commodity prices) in Manasa(मनसा), India. Manasa(मनसा) mandi is located in Neemuch district of Madhya Pradesh state. Get daily fluctuations in the prices of essential commodities such as Soyabean, Black Gram (Urd Beans)(Whole), Isabgol, Bengal Gram (Chana), Linseed, Wheat, Maize, Mustard, Lentil (Masur) Dal, Onion and more. Mandiman provides you with real-time data on market rates, allowing you to make informed decisions based on the ever-changing prices of goods in Manasa(मनसा). Keep track of the pulse of Mandi's economy with our comprehensive and reliable information.

Manasa Mandibhav Summary

Highest Price Commodity: Mustard

Price: ₹5550

Week High: ₹200

Manasa Mandi Daily Report

Date Commodity Variety Min. Price Max. Price Modal Price
₹1000 - 4320 /qt
13 Dec 24 Soyabean Soyabeen ₹1000 /Qt ₹4320 /Qt ₹4241 /Qt
Black Gram (Urd Beans)(Whole)
₹7211 - 7211 /qt
13 Dec 24 Black Gram (Urd Beans)(Whole) Urda\/Urd ₹7211 /Qt ₹7211 /Qt ₹7211 /Qt
₹10600 - 12900 /qt
13 Dec 24 Isabgol Isabgol ₹10600 /Qt ₹12900 /Qt ₹12900 /Qt
Bengal Gram (Chana)
₹5100 - 6240 /qt
13 Dec 24 Bengal Gram (Chana) Gram ₹5100 /Qt ₹6240 /Qt ₹6200 /Qt
₹5700 - 5890 /qt
13 Dec 24 Linseed Flaxseed ₹5700 /Qt ₹5890 /Qt ₹5890 /Qt
₹2934 - 2957 /qt
13 Dec 24 Wheat Wheat ₹2934 /Qt ₹2957 /Qt ₹2957 /Qt
₹2101 - 2355 /qt
13 Dec 24 Maize Local ₹2101 /Qt ₹2355 /Qt ₹2344 /Qt
₹5600 - 5600 /qt
13 Dec 24 Mustard Mustard ₹5600 /Qt ₹5600 /Qt ₹5600 /Qt
Lentil (Masur) Dal
₹5800 - 6285 /qt
13 Dec 24 Lentil (Masur) Dal Masur Dal ₹5800 /Qt ₹6285 /Qt ₹6100 /Qt
₹100 - 2801 /qt
13 Dec 24 Onion Onion ₹100 /Qt ₹2801 /Qt ₹2801 /Qt
₹2500 - 25600 /qt
13 Dec 24 Garlic Garlic ₹2500 /Qt ₹25600 /Qt ₹22000 /Qt
₹6550 - 6951 /qt
07 Dec 24 Coriander(Leaves) Coriander ₹6550 /Qt ₹6951 /Qt ₹6900 /Qt
Barley (Jau)
₹2200 - 2200 /qt
18 Nov 24 Barley (Jau) Barley ₹2200 /Qt ₹2200 /Qt ₹2200 /Qt
poppy seeds
₹90100 - 90100 /qt
24 Oct 24 poppy seeds Poppy seed ₹90100 /Qt ₹90100 /Qt ₹90100 /Qt
Methi Seeds
₹4900 - 5800 /qt
07 Oct 24 Methi Seeds Methiseeds ₹4900 /Qt ₹5800 /Qt ₹5800 /Qt
₹44800 - 44800 /qt
18 Sep 24 Ashwagandha Ashwagandha-Organic ₹44800 /Qt ₹44800 /Qt ₹44800 /Qt
₹700 - 700 /qt
12 Aug 24 Asgand Asafoetida leaf ₹700 /Qt ₹700 /Qt ₹700 /Qt
Muskmelon Seeds
₹39100 - 39500 /qt
08 Aug 24 Muskmelon Seeds Muskmelon Seeds ₹39100 /Qt ₹39500 /Qt ₹39500 /Qt
₹4780 - 5360 /qt
01 May 24 Methi(Leaves) Methi ₹4780 /Qt ₹5360 /Qt ₹5201 /Qt
₹12825 - 12825 /qt
20 Apr 24 Ajwan Ajwan ₹12825 /Qt ₹12825 /Qt ₹12825 /Qt

Manasa(मनसा) mandi is in Neemuch district of Madhya Pradesh state.

Latest price of Soyabean in Manasa(मनसा) mandi is ₹4241